1. Meet the Containers

    myAOL: "the secret container"

    Eric Staats
  2. AOL Refresher

    • I have notes here!
    • Keen.
    • Remember to tell people that notes are a new feature in 1.2
  3. myAOL Platform

    • S5 and OperaShow diverged greatly in S5 1.1
    • S5 1.2 should (we hope) bring them into harmony once more
  4. myAOL to-date

  5. myAOL today

  6. Gentlemen, we can rebuild him. We have the technology!

  7. More OPEN, More access for YOU, the developers!

  8. Gadget goodness

  9. More gadget goodness

  10. Gadget security

  11. MyAOL and You!

  12. MyAOL + Google gadgets = developer bliss!

  13. Links: